Using the Inspections Dashboard

Using the Inspections Dashboard

The Inspections dashboard is your jumping off point for reviewing inspection results across your organization.  Dakota has provided a dashboard to give you some visibility into your organization's inspection results. For example, you can see if you have a lot of overdue inspections piling up , or if there is an issue with a particular item you need to address.  You can use the download button to generate a .csv of all the inspections data represented on the dashboard. 

From the Inspections Dashboard you can review inspection results for any selected date range. The default view includes inspection results from the past week for all facilities a user has access to. However,  you have the ability to filter to any date range and/or set of facilities you'd like. On the Inspections Dashboard, you'll see: 
  1. The total number of inspections completed 
  2. The pass rate of inspection questions 
  3. A breakdown of  inspections by status
  4. A breakdown of question pass/ fail rate
  5. A "top five" offender list of item types that have has failing responses .
Next, you can navigate to the My Assignments tab to review your upcoming inspections. If you have inspections assigned to you, this is where they will appear. You can select and start the Inspection from here. 

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