Audits & Profiles

Audits & Profiles

The Audits & Profiles dashboard is targeted for your Regional and Site leaders and provides leading and trailing indicators of performance of non-private audits (by site or auditor) and site profiles.

Key Performance Indicators (KPI)

  1. Audits Completed: number of audits with a Status of Completed within the selected date range.
  2. Open Audits: number of audits without a Status of Completed within the selected date range.
  3. Red Flag Count: number of audit checklist questions that have been set as Red Flags for non-compliance within the selected date range.
By clicking on any of these KPIs, you can access the Audit Summary by Facility dashboard details. 

Red Flag Count by Domain

The Red Flag Count by Domain graph provides context to the amount of problematic findings (aka red flags) versus the total number of checklist questions answered for a given domain and period.  The subtotals are by:
  1. # of Red Flag Questions: number of audit checklist questions that have been set as Red Flags for non-compliance within the domain and selected date range.
  2. # of Answered non-Red Flag Questions: number of audit checklist questions that have been accepted as compliant within the domain and selected date range.

Audit Performance Analysis

This section of the dashboard provides insight into a percentage of red flag findings to the number of questions answered (excluding N/A answers of system identified applicable questions).  

The data may offer direction as to where future audits may want to focus investigation, as well as overall performance of audits being performed regarding specific audit domains.  The metrics provided are:
  1. Question Domain L2: the first and second level of the applicable regulatory domain.
  2. Number of Audits: number of audits within the selected date range, where the domain is applicable.
  3. Red Flag Finding: number of audit checklist questions that have been set as Red Flags for non-compliance within the domain and selected date range.
  4. Total Answered: total number of audit checklist questions that have been answered within the domain and selected date range.
  5. Score: percentage of non-Red Flag findings within the domain and selected date range.

Profile Maintenance Summary

The Profile Maintenance Summary is intended to provide an indicator for you as to whether any site profiles are in need of attention by reporting on the number of regulatory domains that have an Unknown Applicability status.

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