Using Filters on Dashboards
You can filter dashboards by date, location, and other attributes. The filters that you select will apply to all visualizations on the dashboard.
Filter by date
The dashboards date filter enables you to filter your data by date ranges using the following options:
- All time that includes all available data
- Static period where you specify an exact range: 1/1/2022 - 12/31/2022
- Relative period where you specify a range that is relative to today and changes in time: from last week to tomorrow, from 2 days ago to 2 days ahead
- Predefined periods for days, weeks, months, quarters, and years relative to today: last 4 quarters, this month, last 7 days
Click the Exclude checkbox to exclude the current month or day, based on selection. Click Apply.
Filter by location or attributes
Click an attribute and select or deselect the desired value or values from the drop-down. Select Only on any value to choose just that value. Click All to select all values For long lists, use the search feature to quickly locate a value. Click Apply.
About Site Properties Filters
Dakota Insights uses the
Region, Segment, and Facility variables from Folders designated as "Sites" within your ProActivity Organization hierarchy. To learn more, log in to any ProActivity application and search "
Identifying a folder as a site" in the Help Library.
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