Incident & Injury

Incident & Injury

The Incident & Injury dashboard is targeted for your Regional and Site leaders and provides key performance indicators (KPI) and visualizations that highlight leading and trailing indicators for injuries and illnesses.

The data display defaults to a rolling 12-month period, but can be customized to a user specified range.  The data can also be filtered by Facility, Region, and/or Business Unit.

Key Performance Indicators (KPI)

  1. Recordable Incident Count: the number of Recordable issues for the given time period, as well as the short-term increase or decrease of incidents compared to the prior period.
  2. DART Incident Count: number of incidents with lost time or restricted time.
  3. DART Severity Rate: the DART Day count, divided by the Recordable injury count.
  4. Days Since Last Injury: count of days since the last recordable incident was generated as of the current date.
  5. Days Since Last DART Injury: count of days since the last recordable incident containing lost or restricted time was generated as of the current date.
  6. Lost Time Severity Rate: the Lost Time Day count, divided by the Recordable injury count.

By clicking on either the Recordable or DART Incident Count metric values, you can access the Incident Counts by Facility dashboard details. Clicking either the DART or Lost Time Severity Rate metrics will access the Incident Rates by Facility dashboard details.

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