Performing an Inspection

Performing an Inspection

Inspections assigned to you will show up on the My Assignments tab on the Inspections Dashboard as well as the Inspections page, where all inspections for your organization are listed. 

To begin an inspection, click "Start now" and the template will open. This will take the inspection from "pending" to "in progress" on the Inspections Dashboard. 

When performing an inspection you’ll need to answer each question in order to “Complete”. If a particular question does not apply to your area, select the option “Skip" . 

If you have chosen to inspect more than one zone on the inspection, questions will be repeated for each zone. 

If something comes up during an inspection you can save and exit and return later. You also have the option to cancel the inspection and not save your answers. 

If you want to call extra attention to something during an inspection you can add comments and/or attachments. Later, a reviewer can respond to your comment. 

Once your inspection is submitted, the results will be compiled for review on the Inspections Dashboard. You’ll also be able to review it on the Completed Inspections tab. 

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