Organization Set Up and Definitions

Organization Set Up and Definitions

The first step to getting started is to set up your organization, which is a collection of Facilities where activities take place and Users who perform and review those activities. All inspections will be associated with Facilities in your organization.  

We suggest taking the time to set up the main Facilities and key Users you plan to work with as part of your onboarding process so your EHS activities can be easily kicked off. 

A place or site associated with your organization where EHS Compliance activities take place. 

A person with valid and active login credentials to the Dakota EHS Compliance platform, that has been permissioned to do certain tasks within the system.

Item Types
Materials (ex. ladder) at your facilities that may have inspections, tasks, or other EHS compliance actions associated with them. 

Item Groups
Logical groupings of the Item Types you are inspection (ex. Fire Safety) 

Inspection Questions
A bank of questions, each associated with specific item types , that are used to build inspection templates (ex:  "Is the ladder the appropriate height?") 

Inspection Templates
A reusable collection of one or more questions about one or more item types that can be used to schedule and perform an inspection. From the template page you can create new templates and assign existing ones. 

Scheduled Inspection
An inspection that has been created and assigned for a date in the future. A scheduled inspection may be assigned to a specific user, or left unassigned. 

The act of filling out the scheduled inspection template. A record of each inspection, along with responses and comments is kept for review. 

Global Template
Inspection templates that are made available to all facilities within your organization.  A Global template is a good option to use when you do not wish to limit the use of what you are creating. 

Facility Specific
Inspection Templates that are available for use for only one facility within your organization. A Facility Specific template  is a good option to use when you are working with a unique facility, or want to control the use of a particular form. 

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