Managing Inspection Templates

Managing Inspection Templates

Inspection Templates are a reusable sets of questions you want to ask about particular item types throughout your organization. A template can be global for use throughout your entire organization, or facility specific. 

Inspection Templates are accessible using the Manage Content page. All templates you have created will show up on this page. There, you can schedule any existing template or create a new one. 

If you choose to add a new template, you will open the template builder. Here, you will select what facilities you want to have access to the form, and how you’d like to construct your form.

You can construct a new form using: 
  1. The question library: Use Dakota content and anything you have added to the question library to build a new form. 
  2. An existing form: Select a form already created to use as a template. Add or remove questions to create your new form. 

Once you have created at least one form, you are ready to start scheduling inspections

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