Managing Users

Managing Users

After you have added facilities, the next step of onboarding is adding users to your organization. You can add users to the system by navigating to the My Organization page.  Once invited, the new user will receive a welcome email. Once they have provisioned their account, they will be an active member of your organization. When adding Users you can assign user roles and facility level access. A Users role applies to them at all Facilities they have access to.

Currently Supported User Roles: 
  1. Global Admin: Can Perform all functions at all facilities within your organization. 
  2. Global Content Manager: Can manage content on an organization-wide level. Can also contribute to facility specific content at selected facilities. 
  3. People Manager: Can view dashboards and can manage users and assignments at selected facilities.
  4. Inspector: Can perform inspections at all facilities they are added to.
  5. Reviewer: Can review dashboards and EHS reports for all facilities they have been added to.  
On the User screen you can also resend an invite, reset a password, edit, and delete Users. 

If you are onboarding, the next step after adding users is to review Groups and Items

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